Statement of Intent feedback and Learner Response'

1) Read your feedback carefully and then write a summary of it in your own words using WWW / EBI.
-Clear explanation of narrative
-Clear statement of intent that demonstrates representations used in the advert
- Accurate use of media terminology
-Improve sound section
-In the narrative section use what type of camera angles/shots I am gonna use to help with the advert.

2) Do you need to make any changes to your narrative? Why?
I need to shorten my introduction because there is information that is not needed and add what camera shot and angles I am going to be using during the advert.Also by adding B
lumler and Katz theory.

3) How can you improve the use of media terminology in your Statement of Intent?
I can improve my use of media terminology in my statement of intent by using CLAMPS and CAGE.

4) Representation and stereotyping was a weakness in some drafts. How will you address the key concept of representation in your next draft?

I will reinforce the stereotype of teenage girls getting bullied.  

5) Finally, think about audience. Why would the target audience (14-18 year olds) enjoy your advert?
The target audience (14-18 years old) mainly girls will enjoy this advert because it is showing them the need to love themself for who they are.


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