GCSE Media Studies Year 1: Learner Response

GCSE Media Studies Year 1: Learner Response

1) Are you happy with your End of Year 1 exam results?

I am happy with my result because there is room for area of improvement and because I know what to go over.
2) Why? Explain how you felt the exams went and your reaction to the results.
I know I could of revised more on the CSP's and used more media terminology that would of added marks which would of made a different to the grade.
3) What do you feel are your strongest and weakest topic areas from what we've studied so far (e.g. Magazines, TV, Advertising etc.) Explain why.

My strongest topics are advertising but my weakest topics are Tv and magazines.

4) What will you do differently for the next set of mock exams in November/December?

Next year i am going to make sure I use media terminology and I Know theories off by heart.
5) What grade do you hope to achieve in GCSE Media Studies this time next year?

I hope to achieve a grade 6 or 7 this time next year in my GCSE.


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