January Assessment Learner response
WWW: Good clear understanding of question and some strong use of media terminology at times
EBI: Could have done with more actual examples from each of the ideas and considered impact of theses changes in process ( how producers have to produce context) as well as on audiences.
Q1: 1/1
Q2: 0/1 - right letter but wrong word.
Q3: 4/8 - needs closer attention evidence from product itself
Q4:12/20 - consider impact on quality of so much choice.
3)Look specifically at question 3 - did you successfully write about both the preferred and oppositional readings? Did your answers match any in the mark scheme?
In Question 3 I didn't successfully write about both preferred and oppostional reading. In preferred reading I didn't give enough evidence from the product. In the oppostional reading i need to pay closer attention to the evidence from the product itself.
5) Re-draft your answer to Q3. Use the indicative content suggestions in the mark scheme to write a top-level answer on your blog.
The preferred reading for the advert for women taking wartime jobs in the defence industry is that women are strong minded and have spirit in themselves to do what men do. In the advert the women is showing her arm( Muscle) which indicates not only men are strong. The preferred reading represents that these women sometimes replaced a amles workers job.
The oppostional reading is that this women on the advert is giving a bad impressions of women as a whole.The means women are seen as people who are at home as a housewife.
This gives the impression women are not lady like.
The preferred reading for the advert for women taking wartime jobs in the defence industry is that women are strong minded and have spirit in themselves to do what men do. In the advert the women is showing her arm( Muscle) which indicates not only men are strong. The preferred reading represents that these women sometimes replaced a male workers job.
The oppostional reading is that this women on the advert is giving a bad impressions of women as a whole because of how her facial expressions are in the advert. The means women are seen as people who are at home as a housewife. This gives the impression women are not lady like.
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