Learner Response
Wow Shanice – what a brilliant start to the course J
WWW-Excellent start to analysis such as when you look at your own advert and
you show a clear understanding of denotation and connotation. You use media
terminology such as ‘focal point’, ‘pose’ and ‘representation’ and show clear
evidence of research in your LIAR film poster analysis. This shows a full
understanding of the different aspects of LIAR. Also very strong on denotation
and connotation about the Water Aid advert and Doctor Who. If you want a grade
8, keep working on analysis like this.
EBI- Use the media glossary to even further enhance your excellent analysis by using each word we have written so far in an accurate sentence about the media.
LR: Reflect on your first month of Media. What do you feel is your strongest piece of work so far? What is your weakest? What specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop over the rest of the course? How can you improve the depth and detail of your media analysis? Could you go back to your LIAR analysis and add more about Representation (consider gender, age, ethnicity – race).
I believe my strongest piece of work so far in media is the my own denotation and connotation advert analysis because I think I managed to fully show a clear understanding of denotation and connotation and I have used media terminology. However my weakest piece of work was the liar analysis because I found it hard to describe the effect and depth of certain things. The skills I need to develop over the rest of the course is how to analyse more difficult media text and pictures.
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