The Times case study
Language 1) What is the main story on the front cover of the Times CSP edition (5 May 2018) and why does it appeal to Times readers? The main story on the front cover is about politics, the failure of Corbyn and how hes anti jew.This appeals to times readers as it highlights the labour party as not serious as they are supporting the Tories and want them to win in very election. 2) What are the main stories on the inside pages of the Times CSP edition (5 May 2018)? List the headlines here. -The main stories on the inside pages are: -"Kay Burley- Don't mess with me " -"40 best country house hotels" -"MPs call for inquest as Corbyn fails election test" 3) What is the balance on the Times front page between images, headlines and text? How does this contrast with The Mirror? The headline for THE DAILY MIRROR is in san serif whereas The TIMES is in serif which suggests how THE TIMES is more traditional and more authoritative than the mirror. THE M...